Thursday 21 June 2012

The Healer

It's done.  I just wanted to let you know.

(and yes- that is Matthew Crawley from Downton Abbey)

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Procastination is a bitch...

Um... in my last post I implied that I was going to finish those portraits no problem....

I may have got ahead of myself.

I'm stuck again, but I'm trying to be productive while I work through the problem.  Y'know, procrastinate?  Anyway, I drew this, because i love Adventure time, and it makes me happy.

Monday 11 June 2012

Actual Work! Fo' Reals!

I've kind of noticed that there aren't that many examples of my work on here... Well, here we go; here's a little project I've been working on, purely for myself:

I have this idea for a story (well, a few, actually) but i find writing really difficult, and while I've written a shed load of notes, I can't seem to make them into anything readable. So, instead of not doing anything, I decided to stick to my strengths.

This is a collection of portraits I've made based on the characters in my story.  

These first three were done back in April, each one taking about two days...

I'm a fan of the kind of montage compositions made famous by Drew Struzan and his Star War/ Indiana Jones movie posters, and I think that might show through in these... BUT I have a really bad habit of leaving a lot of things unfinished, and this was no different.  When I started, I knew there were going to be at least six pieces, but I gave up after three.

For some reason, it was really bugging me that I hadn't finished them, until finally, yesterday I finished the fourth portrait:

 So there is hope!  I can finish this! And right now I'm working on the fifth....


I realize they're far from perfect... but I like to think that I'm improving as I go.