Thursday, 3 May 2012

Avengers ASSEMBLE!

Yes, I went to see the Avengers the other day, and I bloody LOVED it!  I don't know why, but i was really scared incase it was going to take itself super seriously, so I was pleasantly surprised when there were some genuinely funny parts in it!  

I remember when I went to see Spider-man 2 in the cinema. During that fight scene between Spidey and Doc- Ock on the train, there's a bit where his spidey-sense kicks in and sees the end of the track, and the brakes aren't working and there all going to die and it just goes silent for a moment... I remember someone in the cinema breaking that silence with "Oh shiiiiiiiiiit."  Well, the Avengers had a few moments like that... so that either means its a good film, or I should just stop going to a noisy cinema.

Anyway, yes, I loved it!  And so when I came home I wanted to draw something, but I've been working a lot lately, so I haven't been able to finish it...

Thor is definitely my favourite movie in the lead up to the Avengers, and, I have to admit, his hair is rather glorious.  Although I usually do get upset when I see boys with hair more beautiful than mine.  I'm hoping to finish this as soon as I can... but until then please enjoy, and maybe come back when its finished?


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